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Activation Return File.naf: Tips and Tricks for Managing Your NI Licenses


All required forms need to be completed and returned to the Kansas Unemployment Contact Center as indicated on the form. Before submitting the form you must complete the fillable areas indicated in light blue boxes. Once completed we suggest saving a copy on your computer or print a copy for your records. When you're ready to submit the form(s) please select one of the options indicated on the form. Many of the forms will provide options such as mail, fax or upload to the portal.

Activation Return File.naf

Able and Available Statement: Medical Condition or Workers Compensation (K-BEN 31): Fill out this form if you have a medical condition or have accepted workers compensation benefits. This form will help indicate if you are able and available to work. Complete this form and return it within seven days of the date you filed your claim.

Alien Employment Statement (K-BEN 3117-A): If you have indicated that you are not a U.S. citizen, fill out this form to provide more information on your Alien status. Complete this form and return it within seven days of the date you filed your claim. Attach a copy of your alien card (front and back).

Availability Statement (K-BEN 32): You indicated you have limitations that may prevent you from accepting work or may limit your availability to work. This form will help KDOL better understand what your limitations are. Complete this form and return it within seven days of the date you filed your claim.

Claimant Separation Statement (K-BEN 3110): Complete all fields on both sides and return the completed form at least 3 days before your scheduled call. This information will be used to determine whether you are entitled to unemployment benefits.

Income Tax Withholding Agreement (K-BEN 233): Unemployment benefits are taxable income under state and federal law. You have the option of having income taxes withheld from your weekly unemployment benefits. To do so, you must complete the Agreement to Withhold Taxes section in this document and return the form to the Unemployment Contact Center. To end a current withholding, complete the Request to Cancel Withholdings section in this document and return the form to the Unemployment Contact Center.

Job Refusal - Claimant (K-BEN 3118): If you have refused a job offer while receiving unemployment benefits, you are required to provide more information on the job and your reasoning for refusing it. Complete this form and return it within seven days of the date you filed your claim.

Labor Dispute Statement (K-BEN 314): If you are a part of a labor dispute with your employer and are not working because of it, you will need to provide more information to determine if you are eligible for unemployment benefits. Complete and return this form within seven days of the date you filed your claim.

Pension Statement (K-BEN 3113): The Kansas Employment Security Law requires that certain pensions and retirement benefits be deducted from unemployment insurance payments. Complete this form and return it within seven days of the date you filed your claim.

Reasonable Assurance Statement (K-BEN 3136): If you are or were a school employee, you are required to provide additional information on your employment history. Complete this form and return it within seven days of the date you filed your claim.

Request for Disclosure of Tax/Benefit Information (K-RM 002): You have the right to request additional information regarding benefit or tax information. Fill out this form and return to KDOL.

School Attendance (K-BEN 317): You have indicated that you are currently attending or enrolled to attend school or training. In order to determine your eligibility for unemployment benefits, you must complete this form and return it within seven days of the date you filed your claim.

Self Employment Statement (K-BEN 3120): If you are self-employed, you are required to provide additional information regarding your self-employment. Complete this form and return it within seven days of the date you filed your claim.

Separation Pay - Claimant (K-BEN 3123): If you have or will receive separation, termination, severance or other similar pay, you are required to provide additional information to KDOL. Complete this form and return it within seven days of the date you filed your claim.

Substitute School Employee Statement (K-BEN 3137): If you are or were a substitute school employee, you are required to provide additional information on your employment history. Complete this form and return it within seven days of the date you filed your claim.

Worked Full-Time (K-BEN 230): You reported on your weekly claim for unemployment insurance benefits that you worked 40 or more hours during the week being claimed. Additional information is required to determine your eligibility to receive benefits for this week. Complete and return this form so that it is received within seven days of the date you filed your claim

Remember that we allow two activations per license, which allows the plug-in to be used on two computers simultaneously. You can therefore combine several of the activation solutions described above. For example you can have one activation on the computer and one on the iLok Cloud, or one on an iLok dongle and one on the computer. The only thing that is not possible is to have two activations on iLok Cloud (because only one iLok Cloud session can be open at the same time).

Since the NACI process can take up to 18 months, you may be issued a CAC before the process is completed and after a favorable fingerprint return. If the NACI process is completed and you are not approved, however, your CAC will be revoked. Please refer to DoD Instruction 5200.46 for additional information regarding DoD investigative and adjudicative guidance for CAC issuance.

A clinical trial site is the location where trial-related activities are conducted, such as the location where the drug is administered or dispensed (directly or by prescription) to the subject and where the subject returns for subsequent assessment. Locations where ancillary medical procedures such as X-rays, magnetic resonance images (MRIs), or blood collections are conducted do not require CTSI forms.

The SOAD will be signed by a Health Canada Official and returned to the sponsor. Both a copy of the signed form as well as the NOL (and Appendix 1 of the HC/SC 3011 form, if applicable) should be included with the shipment to facilitate processing at the Port of Entry.

To determine if local Ca2+ clearance by SERCA pumps contributed to the apparent inactivation of the IClCa in PAR, we performed [Ca2+]c ramps on PAR that were treated with the SERCA pump inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid (CPA). As shown in Fig. 7B, the IClCa induced by [Ca2+]c ramp under control conditions exhibited a typical Ca2+-dependent activation and the apparent inactivation during a continuing rise in [Ca2+]c. To deplete internal stores, 30 μm CPA was applied in standard recording saline with no added Ca2+ for approximately 10 min prior to [Ca2+]c ramp. Previous work has demonstrated that agonist- and second messenger-evoked increases in [Ca2+]c are largely unaffected by this Ca2+-free treatment (Straub et al. 2000). Initial experiments using Fura-2-loaded cells demonstrated that CPA treatment induced a transient rise in both IClCa and [Ca2+]c indicating SERCA pump inhibition and depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores (data not shown). Following return of the [Ca2+]c and current to resting levels, and in the continuous presence of CPA, a [Ca2+]c ramp was applied. As shown by the representative traces in Fig. 7D, the induced current was maximally activated during the rising phase of the [Ca2+]c and, in contrast to control, showed no apparent inactivation. On average, there was a 1.2 0.9 % decrease in current after reaching peak in CPA-treated PAR compared with 21.6 6.2 % decrease in control cells during a 30 s interval following attainment of peak current (n = 4 and 5, respectively; P = 0.008).

These data indicate that local clearance by SERCA pumps is the dominant mechanism underlying the apparent inactivation of IClCa under these conditions. This suggested that local clearance may have occurred concurrently with [Ca2+]c ramp estimates of IClCa activation. Consistent with this, the average KD and Hill coefficient for CPA-treated cells was 202 6 nm and 5.9 2.5, respectively (n = 3), representing an apparent leftward shift compared with KD values obtained under control conditions (inset in Fig. 7D). These values, however, failed to achieve statistical significance, most likely reflecting the limitations in determining absolute [Ca2+]c values using the current methods.

Indeed, previous studies have provided evidence for such a distribution, and suggest that release from multiple subcellular compartments may also contribute to the spatial and temporal aspects of the Ca2+ signals of exocrine cells (Kasai et al. 1993; Tanimura et al. 1998; Fogarty et al. 2000; Giovannucci et al. 2000). Therefore, while Ca2+ release sites throughout a cell may be activated simultaneously, a ΔF may be detected initially in a region where release sites are at higher density, and then subsequently in an area where release sites are not as abundant. Presumably, in an area of a cell where there is a paucity of release sites, the initial Ca2+ release is slower to rise to detectable levels, as release is not as efficiently entrained by CICR as in high-density release sites. Thus, an observed Ca2+ signal may not necessarily propagate as a wave per se, but may also reflect the simultaneous activation of individual or clusters of InsP3R acting as autonomous release sites. Our data are consistent with this notion, and suggest that the simultaneous activation of autonomous cytoplasmic, non-apical release sites contribute substantially to the global Ca2+ signal in PAR. 2ff7e9595c


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