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Гегель Кто Мыслит Абстрактно Краткое Содержание

Abstract. The article considers the problematic, internal contradictory and potential consequences of the implementation of tolerance concept in practice. The author focuses on the tolerance concept in framework of the potential conflictogenity of the concept "society of universal tolerance". The research, based on the analytical scientific works, deduces a general tolerance concept and variations of tolerant communities. In conclusion the author discovers that the tolerance principle out of all social and other contexts may not reduce con-flictogenity in the society, but may increase it.

Гегель Кто Мыслит Абстрактно Краткое Содержание

6.Kurbacheva O.V. (2017). Conceptual and theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of tolerance: historical and philosophical excursion / / Journal of the Belarusian State Institute. No. 2. P. 12-17.

13.Grigoriev D., Sommers J. (2017). Alt-wright: radical alternative right-wing movements in the Trumpist coordinate system. -rajt-radikalnye-alternativnye-pravye-dvizheniya-v-trampistskoj-sisteme-koordinat/

21.Magun A. (2 021). Where did the "new ethics" come from? And how leftist and totalitarian is she? Available at: https: / / / feature/2021/02/23/otkuda-vzyalas-novaya-etika-i-naskolko-ona-levaya-i-totalitarnaya.

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[На полях]: Рellеw. Ins. Vorr. Forster [Имеется в виду: Nachrichten uber die Pellew-lnseln zusammengetragen von G. Keate. Aus dem Engl. ubersetzt von G. Forster. Hamburg, 1789, S, XXXIV]. 2ff7e9595c

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